[English below Japanese]
まずは、この度のFTX Trading Limited(以下、「本社」といいます。)による米国連邦破産法第11条(以下、「チャプター11」といいます。)の申請、また当社においては、法定通貨の出金及び暗号資産の出庫(以下、「出金・出庫」といいます)のサービスが長期間にわたり停止していることから、お客様には多大なるご心配とご迷惑をおかけしておりますこと、深くお詫び申し上げつつ、現時点での重要な進展について、以下のようにご案内申し上げます。
最近の2週間では、出金・出庫サービス再開のための基本計画をとりまとめ、本社の新しい経営陣は、当該計画や実施方針について基本的に承認しています。この基本計画のための開発作業は当社のエンジニアリングチームによりすでに開始されており、必要な作業を行っています。 また、当該計画の一環として、コントロール、セキュリティ監査、照合、レビュー等を組み込むことにより、堅牢かつ安全なプロセスを導入して参ります。今後は、当該計画に沿った具体的なスケジュールやロードマップといった追加情報について、出来るだけ早くお知らせする予定です。
FTX Japanのユーザーの皆様への更なる最新情報は、お知らせページおよびTwitterアカウント(@FTX_JP)を通じて提供される予定です。
FTX Japan Update 01-Dec-2022
Some important updates for FTX Japan users:
Since withdrawals were first suspended on 08-November-2022, the FTX Japan team’s primary focus has been on re-enabling withdrawals for both crypto and fiat assets that are under custody at FTX Japan.
- Over the past 2+ weeks we have put together a plan for the resumption of withdrawal service, which has been shared with and approved by the new FTX Trading management team. Development work for this plan has already started and our engineering teams are working to allow FTX Japan users to withdraw their funds. As part of the plan, we are incorporating controls, security audit, reconciliations, and reviews to put in place a robust and secure process.
- FTX Japan aims to publish additional information regarding the resumption of withdrawals for FTX Japan users in short order.
- This week we were able to confirm with the law firm representing the FTX group in the Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings that Japanese customer cash and crypto currency should not be part of FTX Japan’s estate given how these assets are held and property interests under Japanese law. FTX Japan plans to resume withdrawal service in the ordinary course on this basis.
- FTX Japan management is in regular dialogue with the Japan Financial Services Authority and the Kanto Financial Bureau on the current state of re-enabling withdrawal service and the ongoing Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings in the United States. The 1st draft of the plan has been shared and further consultations will occur on a regular basis as key milestones are met.
- Each Monday we continue to publish information about customer assets held in segregated wallets and in the SBI Clearing Trust account. We will continue to do so whilst the business improvement order remains in place. The private keys of the asset segregated wallets are kept offline at all times and are solely under the control of the Japan operations team.
Further updates for FTX Japan users will be provided via the お知らせ page and @FTX_JP Twitter account.
We apologize to the users of FTX Japan for the delay in service and any inconvenience caused by it. Re-enabling withdrawal service is our top priority and we are grateful for your understanding and support.