FTX Japan is developing a process that will enable customers to access their assets through the Liquid Japan web application. Please wait for our announcement regarding the actual procedure.
1.Liquid Japan account holders who do not hold an FTX Japan account
2.FTX Japan account holders (*1) that already have a Liquid Japan account
3.FTX Japan account holders (*1) that don't have a Liquid Japan account
(*1) ”FTX Japan account holders” include holders of accounts that were successfully and fully migrated from FTX.com, Blockfolio, or Liquid Japan to FTX Japan
1.Liquid Japan account holders who do not hold an FTX Japan account
(*2) USD balances in your Liquid Japan account will have to be converted to JPY for withdrawal. This can be done using the JPY/USD conversion function on the Liquid Japan platform.
(If you have a negative balance in Japanese yen)
Deposit in Japanese yen, or if you have USD convert them to Japanese yen.
(If you have a negative balance in USD)
Convert Japanese yen to USD.
2.FTX Japan account holders (*1) that already have a Liquid Japan account
(*1) ”FTX Japan account holders” include holders of accounts that were successfully and fully migrated
from FTX.com, Blockfolio, or Liquid Japan to FTX Japan
(*2) USD balances in your Liquid Japan account will have to be converted to JPY for withdrawal.
This can be done using the JPY/USD conversion function on the Liquid Japan platform.
(If you have a negative balance in Japanese yen)
Deposit in Japanese yen, or if you have USD convert them to Japanese yen.
(If you have a negative balance in USD)
Convert Japanese yen to USD.
3.FTX Japan account holders (*1) that don't have a Liquid Japan account
(*1) ”FTX Japan account holders” include holders of accounts that were successfully and fully migrated
from FTX.com, Blockfolio, or Liquid Japan to FTX Japan
(*2) USD balances in your Liquid Japan account will have to be converted to JPY for withdrawal.
This can be done using the JPY/USD conversion function on the Liquid Japan platform.
(If you have a negative balance in Japanese yen)
Deposit in Japanese yen, or if you have USD convert them to Japanese yen.
(If you have a negative balance in USD)
Convert Japanese yen to USD.